Heather Bolin of Gibbon Receives $1,000 Nebraska Admiral Scholarship for Tourism

Dr. Ruth Brown
associate professor, Department of Communication, 308-325-1111 or brownr@unk.edu

Travel and tourism major, Heather Bolin of Gibbon has been awarded the $1,000 Nebraska Admiral Scholarship for Tourism to apply toward her senior year at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
The daughter of Jim and Sue Bolin, Heather says her career goals are to become the manager of a major resort in Colorado or get involved with an airline.

“I love to fly and travel, so this is the best industry for me,” said Bolin. “The most important part of the travel and tourism industry is the way employees can make someone feel through wonderful customer service.”

In March, Bolin was elected president of the UNK Travel and Tourism Club.

“This was a great opportunity for me, because I can get more involved with my major and encourage other students to do the same,” She said.
Bolin is a member of the Alpha Phi sorority at UNK. This is her third year in the sorority house, and she currently serves as vice president of formal recruitment.

“The house has been a great leadership opportunity for me,” Bolin said. Her membership in the sorority has allowed her to become involved in many house, university and community activities.

Bolin is the current chair of Relay for Life and has contributed time to Honey Sunday. In addition, she has been involved with Kids Explore, Blue and Gold Days, and Highway Clean-up.