Dr. Susan Jensen
SIFE adviser, 308.865.8189

Want to become a millionaire? Hate insurance? Confused about credit ratings? Think you deserve more money from your taxes?

These questions, and more, are being answered by a series of “Donuts and Dollars” workshops on the campus this month. Students and the public can have donuts, win door prizes and receive valuable financial information.

On Thursday, Oct. 21, the topic will be “‘Tax’ is Not a Four Letter Word.” Rick Richter and Leonard Petersen of H & R Block will discuss money-saving tax strategies for college students. “Guard Your Credit Rating,” a session on how students can use credit wisely, will be presented on Tuesday, Oct. 26. Sally Bernard of Advantage Mortgage will discuss how to use credit wisely. Both sessions will be presented 8-9 a.m. in West Center Building, Room 206E. The workshops, which are sponsored by Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE), are free and open to all UNK students and the general public.

“Students in Free Enterprise is a global nonprofit organization that works in partnership with business and higher education to help college students take what they’re learning in the classroom and apply it to real-life situations,” said Dr. Susan Jensen, UNK SIFE faculty adviser. “Each year, SIFE Teams worldwide develop and implement thousands of educational outreach projects in their communities that are designed to teach others the principles of the free enterprise system.”

Projects implemented by SIFE Teams this month focus on teaching the comparative details and management of various personal financial tools, i.e. checking accounts, savings accounts, on-line banking, etc.; the resources and techniques for developing and managing a personal/household budget; an understanding of credit, the responsible use of credit cards and how to build good credit; and the importance of saving/investing, with special emphasis on the time value of money.

Earlier sessions included “How to Become a Millionaire” presented by Jason Sharp of Edward Jones and “Do You Hate Insurance?” presented by Joe Methe of Brandorff-Methe Insurance.