Wheelchair Basketball Game: UNK vs. Lincoln

Dr. Marta Moorman
Department of Health Physical Education and Recreation, 308-865-8626

April 10 at 7:30 p.m. in the Health and Sports Center, University of Nebraska at Kearney students will have the opportunity to partake in a wheelchair basketball game.

UNK’s Therapeutic Recreation for Special Populations class will sponsor the game, as well as have 20 students participating. The class will be playing against the Madonna Magic league team from the Madonna Rehabilitation Center in Lincoln.

“The purpose of the game is to educate the public about recreation activities for people who are disabled,” Danae Wolcott, Elmwood junior, said. “This will be a fun event to come and watch college students try to adapt to different surroundings and to see how easy the Madonna team can make it look.”
In between quarters of the game, contests will be held and prizes awarded. The scrimmage is free and open to the public.