UNK Comedy Night

Tim Danube
associate director of the Nebraskan Student Union, 308.865.8523

The University of Nebraska at Kearney Student Activities Council is hosting Comedy Night featuring three nationally known comedians. The event will take place on April 1 at 7 p.m. in the Nebraskan Student Union Great Room

“Mad Chad” Taylor’s unusual performance includes juggling three running chainsaws, lighting his finger on fire and catching a 15 pound anvil on his head. He has performed on “The Tonight Show with Jay Leno,” “America’s Funniest People” and acted in several movies and television commercials.

Comedian Kevin Hart has been written up in the Hollywood Reporter as being “hilarious” and a “shooting star.” He has a recurring role on the FOX sitcom “Undeclared” and has performed on BET’s “Comic Review.”
Singer and guitarist Peter George has entertained audiences all over the country with his unique variety of comedy and music.