Sorority sister to spend spring break…in a hospital

Cami Wacker
associate director of student development/retention, 308.865.8519

Spring break for most college students means a vacation with friends at a hot spot around the country and a week without school. But for an Alpha Phi member at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, her spring break will be just the opposite.

Katherine Frost, a sophomore from Grand Island, will travel to Houston, Tex., in March to attend the Alpha Phi Spring Break 2003, where she and four other Alpha Phis will spend an entire week at the Houston Children’s Hospital shadowing doctors, working on patient care, touring state of the art research facilities and viewing surgeries.

The Alpha Phi Spring Break 2003 is an opportunity designed for students interested in the medical field. Frost, a chemistry major at UNK, hopes to apply to pharmacy school after graduation.

Currently, she serves as the vice president of programming for the Alpha Phi chapter. Frost is also a resident advisor and is involved in Student Activities Council, Student Alumni Foundation, Greek Steering and the Honors Program. She is the daughter of Larry and Vicky Frost of Grand Island.