UNK Criminal Justice Department Awarded Grant

Kurt Siedschlaw
Department of Criminal Justice, 308.865.8774

The University of Nebraska at Kearney Department of Criminal Justice
has received a $7,500 grant from Buffalo County for technical assistance
related to the implementation of the Buffalo County Comprehensive Juvenile
Justice Plan.

?This plan was initiated to identify the strengths, resources, needs, and
concerns related to youth within Buffalo County,? said Dr. Kurt Siedschlaw,
associate professor in the department of criminal justice and principle
investigator for the plan. ?We found in doing this project that Buffalo
County needs assistance in dealing with crisis detention and intervention
with juveniles. Also, Buffalo County would benefit in reinstating the
diversion program which was eliminated in 1999, and finally, we want to
encourage any type of program that we can which stresses parental

Collaborating on this project are Dr. John Anderson of the Political
Science Department, Drs. Beth Wiersma and Scott Sasse of the Criminal
Justice Department. Also, a county wide community team was formed of
parents, religious and business leaders, psychologists, and law enforcement
to work together in developing this plan.

?The objective we have with this grant is to help facilitate the
accomplishment of the collective goal of successfully implementing this
plan,? said Siedschlaw.

The grant was awarded in October and will run for one year. This grant is
a follow-up to a grant for $7,000 that was awarded last April for the
research and development of the Buffalo County Comprehensive Juvenile
Justice Plan.