Student Philosopher Wins Pew Younger Scholars Award

Gene Fendt
(308) 865-8298

For the second year in a row, a student philosopher from the University of Nebraska at Kearney will be challenging other minds of the University of Notre Dame. Brad Musil, Kearney, has won a Pew Younger Scholars Award and will be spending his summer studying at the University of Notre Dame in a seminar entitled “Art and its Cultures” from May 28-June 18. Last year’s Pew Younger Scholars Award recipient was Joshua Schultz from UNK of Omaha.

The Pew Younger Scholars Award is a division of the Pew Charitable Trusts. The program administers five programs aimed at strengthening Christian scholarship by providing for the preparation and training of the next generation of Christian scholars in the humanities and social sciences. Musil will join 41 other students at Notre Dame in the Undergraduate Summer Seminars this summer.

Selection for participation in the seminar is based on recommendations, transcripts and the student’s paper on a related topic. Musil’s paper on the Philosophies of Art was originally a term paper for Dr. Gene Fendt’s Aesthetics course last semester. Fendt and Dr. Dave Rozema recommended Musil for the summer seminar at Notre Dame.

Musil’s award included a $750 stipend, accommodations, meals, books and up to $350 in travel expenses. The course will also award three hours credit from the University of Notre Dame.

Musil was also the winner of a $800 O.K. Bouwsma scholarship from the philosophy department at UNK. The scholarship is named after a famous teacher of philosophy.