Dr. Valerie Cisler
professor and chair, Department of Music and Performing Arts, 308.865.8118

On Saturday, April 13 the Fine Arts Recital Hall will be full of music and fun as the UNK Department of Music and Performing Arts will host its annual Spring Piano Workshop. This daylong workshop, in its 38th year, has a tradition of providing a unique combination of lectures, performances and master class opportunities for junior high, senior high and college piano students and their teachers. Past enrollments have ranged from a select group of 25 students to more than 150 Nebraska participants.

This year’s workshop will feature guest artist, Tony Caramia, professor of piano, Eastman School of Music, Rochester, NY. Mr. Crarmia will present, “Cakewalkin’ on the Keys,” a lecture-recital that discusses the cakewalk from historical and musical perspectives; a performance master class for high school student performers; and a jazz lecture-recital entitled, “Happy 100th Birthday Billy! –A Tribute to Billy Mayer (1902-1959).” UNK piano faculty will also present a series of master classes for all student participants. A schedule for the day is as follows:

Schedule of Events
9:15-10:30 p.m. 
“Cakewalkin’ on the Keys”
10:30-11:30 p.m. Master class with Tony Caramia
12:30-1:45 p.m. Master classes with UNK piano faculty
2:00-3:15 p.m. “Happy 100th Birthday Billy! –A Tribute to Billy Mayer (1902-1959)”
3:15 p.m. Reception

Sessions are open and free-of-charge to all UNK students and faculty; recital admission for all others will be $3 at the door. This event is sponsored by the UNK Faculty Senate Guest Artists and Lecturers Committee, the UNK Research Services Council, and the Department of Music and Performing Arts. “The recital may be of interest to many students and faculty, as well as members of the community as it is a jazz recital, a multimedia presentation. Mr. Caramia is a fabulous performer,” said UNK Professor Valerie Cisler.