Doreen Mary Sheen
(308) 865-8214

The Learning Center at the University of Nebraska at Kearney is presenting a series of workshops entitled, “Helping Students with the Writing Process”, March 6 through April 24. On Wednesday evenings from 6-7 p.m. in the lower level of Stout Hall various topics will be presented to assist UNK students in tackling their writing assignments. Students need not register to attend and are welcome to come to any or all of the sessions. Academic peer tutors will also be available during and after the presentations from 6-8 p.m. to assist students with their papers and answer any questions they may have.


Schedule of Workshops

March 6 – How to use a writer’s handbook; How to find resources in the library and on-line
March 13 – Analyzing another writer’s work
March 27 – Interpreting personal thoughts and transferring them to writing; How to form an outline
April 3 – How to generate ideas and form those into a thesis statement
April 10 – How to bring all the pieces of an essay together (Introduction-Body-Conclusion)
April 17 – How to create a bibliography and a works cited page
April 24 – Overview of the writing process