University of Nebraska at Kearney graduate Brian Niemann designed a commemorative poster to honor the victims of the September 11 terrorist attacks which has been used to raise over $100,000 for the Salvation Army, American Red Cross, and the United Way disaster relief funds.

“I was affected like everyone else by the attacks. My way of dealing with a lot of things is to think of them graphically,” said Niemann. “On the night after the attack I had a number of ideas in this vein and the next day I sketched out a few. I presented it to the members of my company and in two days, through the hard work by everybody at GPC (Griffith Phillips Creative); we had printing and paper donated to us, and the Dallas Cowboys were there to distribute the poster. Word of mouth generated more interest and it mushroomed from there.”

Niemann is an award-winning graphic artist who brings 11 years of experience in graphic design and illustration to his position with Griffith Phillips Creative as director of Interactive Services in Dallas, Texas. His work has been recognized by Graphis, Print Magazine, the American Institute of Graphic Arts, the Dallas Ad League, and the Dallas Society of Visual Communications.

Niemann is a native of Kearney who graduated from UNK in 1991 with a Bachelor of Fine Arts in graphic design.