Collegians for Integration and Accessibility (CIA) Presentation of Two Wheelchairs for campus use

Atrium of the Nebraskan Student Union

BACKGROUND: The Collegians for Integration and Accessibility (CIA) Student Organization recently held a raffle to raise money to purchase a wheelchair to donate to UNK to be used by visitors to campus who have mobility problems. The raffle was so successful that the students were able to purchase not one, but two manual wheelchairs. The presentation of the wheelchairs will be made during the CIA Annual Appreciation Day Reception. Refreshments will be provided and the presentation will be held at 12 noon.

CIA is open to all interested students. Members experience personal growth through actions and interactions, which promote awareness of accessibility issues at UNK. CA encourages the integration of all collegians into the campus community and addresses the needs of individual students with disabilities. For more information visit the CIA website at