Phi Alpha Theta, the History Department, and the College of Natural and Social Sciences at the University of Nebraska at Kearney are hosting the Phi Alpha Theta Regional Conference April 20-21. Students and faculty from UNK, Nebraska Wesleyan, Hastings College, the Air Force Academy, and Colorado State will be represented.

The schedule is as follows:
Friday, April 20, 2001
3:00pm – 4:30pm
UNK Copeland Hall 140

Conference Welcome & Public Lecture : Professor Rose Gatens
Belmont University, Nashville TN
“Turnips and War Memorials: German Pacifists Appraise the Human Cost of World War I”

Saturday, April 21, 2001
UNK Founders Hall
Second Floor – North End

8:30am – 9:30am Session #1
Room 2137: Chair: Prof. Michael Schuyler, UNK
First Paper: “The Other Women of Jack Kennedy” Robin Schroder, Hastings College

Second Paper: “Dust Bowl Refugees: The Okie Migration Through Music and Literature.”
Patrick O’Donnell, Hastings College

Room 2147: Chair: Captain Ed Kaplan, U.S. Air Force Academy
First Paper: “Labor, Recreation, and Re-Education: The Fate of German Prisoners of War: Camp Atlanta Nebraska, 1943-1946.”
BobbiJo Kanter, Hastings College

Second Paper: “Religion and American POWs in World War Two.”
Cadet Amanda Hall, US Air Force Academy

9:45am – 10:45am Session #2
Room 2137: Chair: Prof. Rob Babcock, Hastings College
First Paper: “The Grandest of Expeditions: Jefferson’s Dream, Lewis’ Nightmare.”
Shasta Carroll, UNK

Second Paper: “Those Indians Shall Not Go Back to Indian Territory to Die: The Standing Bear Trial and Its Impact on Indian Reformers.”
Jessica Furst, Nebraska Wesleyan

Room 2147: Chair: Prof. Samantha Mathews-Lamb, Nebraska Wesleyan U.
First Paper: “Moltke, the Military, and the Weakened State of German Politics.”
Cadet Barry Murphy, US Air Force Academy

Second Paper: “The Reichstag- A Reflection of Changing Times.”
Kevi Sechrest, Hastings College

Room 2010: Chair: Prof. John Didier, Colorado State University
First Paper: “Chinese Culture During the Yuan Dynasty and How Mongol Rule Influenced Attitudes in Chinese Song, Theater, Paintings, and Literature.”
Cadet Timothy Metz, US Air Force Academy

Second Paper: “The Examination System in Sung China.” Geoffrey Barta, Colorado State University

11:00am – 12:30pm Session #3
Room 2137: Chair: Prof. Mary Elizabeth Ailes, UNK
First Paper: “Butterfly in a Redwood: Julia Hill’s Fight to Save Luna.”
Sara McCroden, Nebraska Wesleyan

Second Paper: “At the Mercy of the Captor: Differences In Treatment of Downed American Aviators During the Second World War.”
Cadet Jason Monaco, US Air Force Academy

Third Paper: ” Watts: Riot or Political Protest?” Ryan Caldwell, UNK

Room 2147: Chair: Prof. Pradeep Barua, UNK
First Paper: “Eisenhower and the ‘New Look’ Defense.” Gary Banner, UNK

Second Paper: “Communicating with a Purpose: Infantry, Gunboats & Signal Flags at the Battle of Port Royal Ferry, SC.”
Cadet Stephen Wilson, US Air Force Academy

UNK Alumni House
1:00pm -2:00pm Luncheon

2:00pm – 3:00pm Keynote Address:
Professor Rose Gatens
Belmont University
“Political Dissent and Academic Freedom: The Case of E. J. Gumbel and the University of Heidelberg, 1924-1932.”

3:00pm Awards Ceremony

4:00pm Conclusion of Conference