UNK-Holocaust survivor, Cantor Leo Fettman, will be speaking about his family’s eviction from their home by the Nazi’s and his experiences in Auschwitz. The “Lessons of the Holocaust: A Message of Hope” presentation will take place March 1 at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, Copeland Hall, room 142 at 7 p.m.

Fettman and his family were torn from their home in a small town in Hungary in 1944, eventually they were shipped by boxcar to Auschwitz where most of the members of his family were quickly murdered. Following the war he returned home but eventually emigrated to Canada and later the United States. He then moved to Omaha to the Beth Israel Synagogue. In addition to his cantorial duties, he served as Educational Director, Shabbatonim Director, and as a teacher and hospital chaplain. He retired in 1992.

A book signing and reception will follow the presentation in the Memorial Student Life Building, Sisler Room.

The “Lessons of the Holocaust: A Message of Hope” presentation is open the public, free of charge, and is sponsored by the UNK Faculty Artists and Lecturers Committee, the Honor’s Program, the Office of Multicultural Affairs, and the Hispanic Student Association.