UNK-Tickets for President Clinton’s speech at a special University of Nebraska at Kearney convocation on Friday, Dec. 8 will be available to students on Thurs., Dec. 7 from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Nebraskan Student Union. All currently enrolled UNK students may pick up one ticket with their UNK student I.D. card. Tickets are not transferable.

“These past few days have been a hectic but exciting time here at the University. Student interest is extremely high and they are looking forward to seeing the President and hearing his speech. This is a rare historical moment in their education,” said UNK Chancellor Gladys Styles-Johnson.

The Health and Sports Center will open at approximately 7:15 a.m. Friday to students and others with tickets and a photo ID. It will close for admission at approximately 8:15 a.m. or a time to be determined that is contingent upon the President’s schedule. There will be no admittance prior to 7:15 a.m. Friday’s special convocation will begin at approximately 9 a.m. with the President’s speech scheduled at approximately 9:20 a.m.

“By coming to the University of Nebraska at Kearney, the President has indeed saved the best for last,” Chancellor Johnston went on to say, referencing Clinton’s widely reported commitment to visit Nebraska, last among the 50, before leaving office.