UNK-– The University of Nebraska at Kearney Counseling Center will be hosting a variety of events next week to observe Disability Awareness Week. The goal of the annual event is to promote understanding of what it is like to be a person with a disability and specifically, a college student with a disability.

Assistant director of the UNK Counseling Center, Sue Peterson commented, “The purpose of the week is to create understanding and awareness. We want to encourage a sense of community and help integrate persons with disabilities into campus life.”

The schedule for the week is as follows:
Mon., Nov. 13
Assistive Technology Fair
Vendors will be displaying new adaptive equipment.
NSU Atrium
11 am – 2 pm

Disability Forum & Brown Bag Lunch
ADA presentation and procedures by Sue Petersen and student panel
NSU Cedar Room
12 pm – 1 pm

Tues., Nov. 14
Disability Relays
This event is sponsored by the UNK Student Council for Exceptional Children. Participants will be going through various simulations to understand what those with disabilities go through. Some of the activities planned are blind fold hoop shot, decipher written messages (dyslexic), and speech impairment. NSU Cedar Room
4 pm – 6 pm

Wed., Nov. 15
Disability Skit
“Death by Accommodation – Who Dunnit?”
Cast includes Resident Assistant’s and Resident Hall Director’s
NSU Cedar Room
5 pm – 6 pm

Interview Skills
Participants will be going through mock interviews.
Counseling Center group room/MSAB #144
3:30 pm – 5 pm

Thur., Nov. 16
Student Technology Demonstration
Computerized Adaptive Technology Center in Library
1 pm – 3 pm

Ron “GUS” Gustafson, UNK Graduate
“Turning a Setback Into a Comeback”
Gustafson’s presentation is a reflection of his own life. He was raised in Lyons, Neb., where he was involved in a tragic childhood farm accident that left him without his right arm and shoulder. Despite the injury, he was a standout basketball player in high school. He also went on to play collegiate basketball until a knee injury ended his career. Today he has a successful business career as president and founder of Ron Gustafson–My Story in Omaha. His message urges audience members to process the garbage in their lives, to never give up and to have the courage to face the next challenge.
NSU Cedar Room
3:30 pm – 4:30 pm

Fri., Nov. 17
Games and Movies
Braille monopoly, Braille playing cards, and other games
Mantor Hall Lounge
6:30 pm – 10 pm

All of these events are open to the public to enjoy.