UNK- The University of Nebraska at Kearney departments of geography and biology are making plans for the 2000 desert field study. Scheduled for March 11-19, the annual camping trip will focus on the Chiricuahua Mountains and the Sonoran Desert near Tucson, Arizona.

Stan Dart, co-coordinator of the study from UNK’s geography dept., said that the trip to Tucson offers many experiences.

“There will be a lot of different activities on the trip to Tucson,” he said. “We’ll visit the Arizona Sonoran Desert Museum, which is a spectacular outdoor museum; the Kitt Peak National Observatory where solar and astronomical research is conducted; the Tucson Water Dept.; there will be a variety of hiking opportunities in the mountains, and more.”

The field study is open to any interested person over the age of 18. Space is limited to 16 persons on a first-come first-served basis. The reservation deadline is Feb. 25. Cost for the trip is $250 that does not include spending money. A $50 non-refundable deposit will be collected, with the remaining $200 due no later than Feb. 25. Reservation forms are available in the department of geography in Copeland Hall, and the department of biology in Bruner Hall of Science.

Participants may receive one or two semester credit hours if they wish by completing a journal of the trip. Those who wish to receive credit must also pay UNK tuition. Full credit details are available upon request.

The department of geography will provide transportation, cooking equipment, tents, campground fees and entrance fees. Each participant will provide their own sleeping bag, eating utensils, rain gear, clothing, toiletries and spending money.

For more information, contact Stan Dart in the UNK department of geography at (308) 865-8357.