Liberty in North Korea group presents Oct. 1

Liberty in North Korea is giving a presentation at the University of Nebraska at Kearney at 7:30 p.m. Oct. 1 at Copeland Hall 140.

Sponsored by the International Studies Program, the event is free and open to the public.

LiNK is a nonprofit based in California and South Korea. Its primary purpose is to rescue and resettle citizens who escaped from North Korea into China and secure their safety through the long and dangerous 3,000-mile journey to South Korea.

LiNK then provides a variety of services in resettlement, including counseling, translation and interpretation, health care and emergency financial assistance, English tutoring, cultural exchanges, career development assistance and educational grants.

An additional goal of the organization is to refocus public attention regarding North Korea away from just politics and nuclear weapons to people and human rights abuses perpetrated by the North Korean regime.

Liberty in North Korea’s slogan is “People over Politics.”

For more information on Liberty in North Korea visit:


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