PHOTO GALLERY: Alumnus Ehly shares talents with Nebraska high school vocalists

More than 150 high school students attended a choral clinic Sept. 23 at UNK Recital Hall.

Led by guest clinician Eph Ehly — one of the most sought-after guest conductors — Dr. Ewald “Eph” Ehly is professor emeritus at the Conservatory of Music at University of Missouri-Kansas City. Ehly taught at UMKC for 27 years and has conducted over 80 all-state choirs, 500 festival choral ensembles, and has appeared as a clinician and master teacher across the Americas, Asia and Europe.

Ehly grew up in Henderson, Neb., and earned his bachelor’s degree from UNK, going on to earn master’s and doctorate degrees at George Peabody College in Nashville and University of Colorado, Boulder. The student vocalists learned first-hand why UNK alumnus Ehly has been honored with several outstanding teaching and choral directing awards.

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