Nancy Johnson receives KUDOS award from Board of Regents

Nancy-Johnson-WebKEARNEY – Nancy Johnson, office associate in UNK’s Counseling and School Psychology Department, received the University of Nebraska Board of Regents Kudos award on Friday. Johnson has worked at UNK since 2012.

KUDOS awards recognize UNK staff who go “above and beyond,” and for their service and contributions to the university.

Johnson’s responsibilities include processing department financial transactions and monitoring budgets, providing budget projections, assisting with student admissions and graduate assistant searches, and maintaining accreditation data.

She is credited by her supervisor, Department Chair Grace Ann Mims, for “exceptional service, an extraordinary skill set, a strong work ethic, and for dramatically increasing department efficiency and productivity.”

Her knowledge of business principles has promoted a deeper understanding of departmental budget and funding sources, and the development of an improved faculty travel process, Mims said. Both of these have contributed to increased financial transparency within the department.

Johnson also serves as assistant coordinator of the online student affairs program. Her nomination credited her for being “an enthusiastic learner and user of new technology” and noted her ability to integrate technology into her work to enhance departmental outreach and efficiency.

For example, Johnson created online surveys and assessments, uses MyBlue for course scheduling, incorporated the use of Dropbox for access to advising forms and was the first to learn the WebNow Graduate Application process and integrate it into the department’s admissions process.

Johnson has become the department’s website manager, and her work on the department newsletter builds alumni and constituency relationships.

Johnson was recognized and given her KUDOS award at the Board of Regents meeting, which also was attended by her daughter, Erin Johnson, and Mims.


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