Contact:Sherri Harms, Computer Science and Information Systems, 308-865-8123,

Kearney, Neb., May 17, 2013 — Sean Stahly of Milford has been named the first recipient of the Buckle Excellence Scholarship at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.
The Buckle Excellence Scholarship is a two-year scholarship in the department of Computer Science and Information Systems of $3,000 per year, for a total of $6,000. As the recipient, Stahly will also tour Buckle’s facilities and become acquainted with the company’s IT leadership through job shadowing opportunities. He will attend a spring luncheon during his freshman year, hosted by Buckle, and will deliver a presentation.
The scholarship was announced in 2012 when a $150,000 permanent endowment was established in the name of The Buckle Inc. at the University of Nebraska Foundation to provide annual scholarship awards for students interested in careers related to computer science or information technology.
A highly involved student, Stahly is graduating from Milford High School this spring, where he was captain of the quiz bowl team and member of the speech team. He is also a member of Future Business Leaders of America, including a term as treasurer, and was involved in One Act and Key Club.
Stahly said he began programming on his own during his sophomore year after attending a workshop on building computers.
“I began to learn all that I could about computers, both hardware and software,” he said.
“He epitomizes the best qualities in a young person, and I am constantly refreshed by his work ethic,” said Tony Muller, Stahly’s high school math teacher. “His organization, character and determination make him successful in all of his pursuits. He is sensitive to people and events and very committed to his beliefs. I find his enthusiasm for life and learning to be contagious.”
Shelly Mowinkel, Milford High School’s FBLA faculty adviser, said Stahly’s efforts helped the organization lead a successful membership drive leading to a 61 percent increase in membership. Stahly also received honorable mention in Technology Concepts at the FBLA State Leadership Conference in Omaha this spring.
In addition to his school activities, Stahly has worked as clerk at the Webermeier Library in Milford for the past two years and helps out on his family’s farm.
The Buckle Excellence Scholarship is a result of an on-going partnership between the Buckle and the UNK Department of Computer Science and Information Systems. This relationship has afforded many students the opportunity to have an excellent internship experience with the company and has provided many graduates with rewarding and fulfilling careers, according to Sherri Harms, chair of the department.