Dr. Maha Younes
Department of Criminal Justice and Social Work, 308.865.8741

Aging in Nebraska is the focus of a social work conference set for Friday, Sept. 30, at the University of Nebraska at Kearney Nebraskan Student Union.

The conference, titled “Advancing Meaning & Honoring the Legacies of Nebraska’s Aging Population,” will open at 8:15 a.m. with a panel of guest seniors discussing “The Search for Meaning in Later Life!”  At 9:15 a.m., the Rev. and Dr. James Ellor, professor of social work at Baylor University and an ordained Presbyterian minister, will present “Discovering Meaning in the Transitory Nature of Living.” The Rev. Dr. Ellor was previously a professor in the human services department and director of the Center for Positive Aging at National-Louis University for 21 years. Editor for the “Journal of Religion, Spirituality and Aging,” he has published numerous books and scholarly articles related to aging and spirituality. He has studied Logo Therapy with Melvin Kimble and Dr. Viktor Frankl.

Beginning at 10:45 a.m., Stacey Bruggeman, CSW, with present “Life Biographies: The Power of Story Telling.” Bruggeman is with Mount Carmel Nursing Home in Kearney.

The afternoon sessions will open with Alexandra Dillon of Kearney, associate director of the Nebraska Alzheimer’s Association, presenting a session titled “Alzheimer’s Disease: Trends and Impact.” Concluding the day’s presentations will be Jeannie Krause-Taylor, LCSW, CASWCM, founder of Pathways for Aging, speaking about “Feeling Good About Aging.” Krause-Taylor has more than 20 years of experience as a professional social worker. Her previous experience includes serving as the social work manager for Barnes-Jewish Hospital, case manager supervisor with the St. Louis Regional Center for the Developmentally Disabled and as an adjunct faculty member at Washington University.

The conference is open to the general public, as well as social workers. Seniors, age 62 and over, may attend free as can UNK students and faculty.

Social workers and others in the field can earn 5 CEU credits for full day attendance. The cost is included in the $90 registration fee. The agency rate is $90 for the first person, $50 for all others from the same agency. However, to receive the agency rate, the group must prepay as a group. For more information, individuals can contact the UNK Department of Social work, 308.865.8739.

The conference is being sponsored jointly by the UNK Department of Social Work and Cambridge Court in Kearney.