Jael Roschewski
Admissions Counselor, Office of Undergraduate Recruitment & Admissions, 308.865.8703 or roschewskijj@unk.edu

High school seniors from across Nebraska and Kansas will gather on the University of Nebraska at Kearney campus for Senior Day on Monday, Feb. 7.

Senior Day activities will begin at 9 a.m., when students check in at the Nebraskan Student Union Atrium. A $10 fee will be paid at check-in to cover lunch and the informational materials that will be provided.

UNK Chancellor Doug Kristensen and Rowan Beck of Mills, Loper Liaison president, will give welcome the seniors at 9:45 a.m. Seniors will then tour the UNK campus from 10-11:30 a.m.

“Senior Day is the best way to see if college is the best fit for a student, both academically and personally,” said Jael Roschewski, UNK admissions recruiter.

At 11:30 a.m., seniors will split into groups based on their academic interests. Faculty from various UNK academic departments will be available to answer questions. Lunch will be provided by UNK Dining Services from 12:15-1 p.m. Seniors will dine with current UNK students in the Commons.

“When students visit a campus, they get to not only see the student life, but also get to interact with students,” Roschewski said. “This is how students decide where they belong.”

After lunch, seniors will attend breakout sessions from 1-2:20 p.m. They have the opportunity to talk to representatives from UNK Residential and Greek Life, athletics, Financial Aid, intramurals, Study Abroad, music and performing arts, the Honors Program, ROTC, Campus Ministries and the National Student Exchange Program.

“We want to show students that college is more than just academics,” Roschewski said. “It’s about a life experience.”

Seniors can pre-register until 5 p.m. on Wednesday, Feb. 2, by calling the UNK Office of Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions at 800.KEARNEY (352.7639). Individuals can also register online at www.unk.edu/seniorday. More information is also available at tours@unk.edu.

Students who cannot attend Senior Day can schedule a personal tour of the campus. Tours can be scheduled by calling the Office of Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions or by going online to: www.unk.edu/campusvisit. In addition, a Junior Day is scheduled for Monday, April 4.