Calvin T. Ryan Library Receives National Recognition From the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP)

Rochelle Krueger
UNK government documents librarian, 308.865.8542

UNK– The University of Nebraska at Kearney Calvin T. Ryan Library has received the “Depository Library Spotlight,” a national recognition from the Federal Depository Library Program (FDLP).

“The ‘extensiveness of the government information presented on the library’s website, and the openness of the library to the general public from outside its direct university community…’ caught the interest of the Education and Outreach Librarian at the Government Printing office,” said Rochelle Krueger, UNK government documents librarian.

Only 17 of the 1,250 depositories nationwide have been honored with this award, including the libraries at Purdue University, the U.S. Naval Academy and Texas A & M University.

According to the Collection Development Policy, Calvin T. Ryan Library and a smaller federal depository in Scottsbluff provide service to a geographical area covering approximately two-thirds of the state of Nebraska.
“This collection, and the service provided, are invaluable to the students and faculty at UNK, and are a direct reflection of the university’s outreach to the region,” said Janet Wilke, Calvin T. Ryan Library dean. “I want to thank and congratulate Documents Librarian Rochelle Krueger and her predecessor, emeritus Librarian Diana Keith, for the fine work that went into obtaining this honor.”

The Calvin T. Ryan Library government documents section houses 35,076 books, 1,016 CD-ROMS, 121 videos and DVDs, more than 12,500 titles in microformats, and 23,594 electronic resources.

The Federal Depository Library Program was established to provide the American public with free access to official U.S. government information. In return for being a designated federal depository, the library provides free access to the information, as well as professional assistance in finding and using that information, to any member of the public.

“The government documents housed in the library, as well as electronic documents within the library’s catalog, are open and available to anyone,” Krueger said. “In addition, the university librarians are happy to assist anyone with questions they might have.”

The Calvin T. Ryan Library will be recognized as the “Library Spotlight” throughout the month of November. Further information is available at