Harris to Perform Flute Recital Saturday (Nov. 13) at UNK

Brooke Harris
junior music performance and music education major, harrisbr@lopers.unk.edu

UNK – Brooke Harris will present a flute recital Saturday, Nov. 13, at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

Harris is a junior music performance and music education major from Dickens. The performance, which will be held at 5 p.m. at the UNK Fine Arts Recital Hall, is free and open to the public.

Compositions including “Fantasia No. 11 in G Major,” “Duo for Flute and Oboe” and “Fantasie Pastorale Hongroise,” among others, will be performed at this event.

She will be accompanied on the piano by Dr. Marilyn Musick and on the soprano saxophone by Christopher Gugel ofAmherst.

Harris, who is the daughter of Scott and Deb Harris of Dickens, studies with Franziska Nabb.