NEWS ADVISORY: Sigma Xi hosts ‘Ask a Scientist’ at 5 p.m. today (Monday, Nov. 1) at UNK

Dr. William Wozniak
professor, Department of Psychology, 308.865.8242

The UNK Chapter
Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society

Is hosting an informal gathering of the curious


Monday, November 1, 2010
5 PM, Second Floor Thunderhead Brewery

Best Question from October “Ask a Scientist.” “What recent development in science has the greatest potential to change the world?”

The opportunity to ask a scientist a question is presenting itself in a comfortable atmosphere. Ever want to ask a question but was afraid to ask? Ask your question and a group of scientists will share their knowledge with you. From astronomy to zoology with stops at psychology, chemistry, and genetics in between, no question will go unanswered. The worst that can happen is that you will learn what they don’t know.

We also tell hilarious jokes:
A geneticist, a physiologist and a physicist were summoned to meet a wealthy racehorse magnate. He told them he would give a million pounds to the one who could accurately identify race-winning horses. After six months of hard work, they returned to present their results to the expectant millionaire.
The geneticist said, “I’ve looked into all the current genetic research, checked blood-lines going back decades, but there are just too many behavioural and environmental factors. I can’t help.”
The physiologist said, “I’ve looked at muscle mass, bone volume and density, and all the other factors I can think of, but the problem’s too complex. There’s just no guarantee of predicting a winner.”
Finally, the physicist calmly walks up to the millionaire and gives him an index card. “Here you go,” he says “I’ve found an equation that solves the problem for you.”
“Wow,” said the millionaire, “That’s impressive…I’ll get my cheque book.”
“Great. But there’s one thing you should know,” said the physicist. “It only works for a spherically symmetric horse travelling in a vacuum.”