Photographer Jim May Presents Artist Talk at UNK Walker Gallery on Friday, Oct. 29.

John Fronczak

UNK– Photographer Jim May will speak about his exhibit, “Image Maker,” on Friday, Oct. 29, in the University of Nebraska at Kearney Walker Art Gallery.

The artist talk begins at 6 p.m., in the UNK Walker Art Gallery, which is located in the UNK Fine Arts Building. May will discuss his photographs and the creation process of the images. In addition, there will be a question and answer portion, as well as an informal reception held after the talk.

May’s exhibit, “Image Maker,” is a collection of recent photographs from May’s travels– including images from Alaska, Mexico, Arizona and South Dakota. The exhibit has been on display in the UNK Walker Art Gallery for the past month.

According to John Fronczak, Walker Art Gallery director, most of the images are landscapes, with some close-up studies of plant forms, architecture and human subjects.

“My images are about nature, physical nature and human nature,” May said. “There comes a moment when all the elements work together to produce an image that expresses a sense of mystery and awe, and maybe even spirituality.”

May is an emeritus of the UNK Department of Art and Art History. He retired in 2006, after 38 years on the UNK faculty.

In November, the UNK Walker Art Gallery will feature a series of student shows. The gallery is open Monday-Friday from 8:30 a.m.- 4:30 p.m., and is free and open to the public.