Junior Recital Features Original Compositions Thursday, Oct. 14

Robert Roth
UNK music composition and music education major

UNK – Original compositions by Robert Roth, a junior music composition and music education major from Acadia, will be performed tomorrow (Thursday, Oct. 14) in the Fine Arts Recital Hall on the University of Nebraska at Kearney campus.

The performance, which begins at 7:30 p.m., is free and open to the public.

Roth is a student of Dr. Darleen Mitchell, UNK professor of music. Among the original compositions to be performed are: “Three Forms,” “Windy Whispers,” “Spite and Respite,” “Passaraglis No. 1” and “The Devil at Three A.M.”

Roth, the son of William and Pamela Roth of Arcadia, is a Deans’ List student and a member of the UNK Honors Program.