Tracy Lungrin
Greek adviser and leadership coordinator, 308.865.8519

NOTE: Any arrangements for interviews or coverage during his presentation need to be made through 
Brooke Sims at

UNK– Dating doctor David Coleman, often called “America’s Real-Life Hitch,” will present “Making Relationships Matter” at the University of Nebraska at Kearney on Tuesday, April 13.

The event, which will begin at 7 p.m. in the Nebraskan Student Union Ponderosa Room, is free to UNK students with their I.D.

“This program teaches students how to create and maintain healthy relationships,” said Tracy Lungrin, Greek Life coordinator. “The presentation will unveil approaches to living a daily life that is fulfilling and focused on getting the most from, and providing the most, to every relationship in your life.”

“As a speaker and an entertainer, I perform over 200 times per year and have a stable of ‘clients’ just like Will Smith did in the movie ‘Hitch,’” Coleman said. “That movie closely portrays my life and career on a daily basis.

“I am exceptionally lucky to do what I do,” he said. “I travel the world, make a wonderful living for my family, and help people find the love they deserve and desire. It’s not even a job. It’s a love and passion.”

Coleman has been honored 10 times as the National Speaker of the Year by Campus Activities Magazine and The National Association for Campus Activities. He has been featured in publications such as “Us Magazine,” “Glamour,” “Celebrity Living,” “Mademoiselle,” “Women’s World,” “Cosmopolitan,” “USA Today,” “The Wall Street Journal,” “The Washington Post” and “The New York Times.” In addition, he has appeared on all major television networks and numerous radio stations nationwide.

To schedule an interview or media appearance with David Coleman prior to or after his performance, please contact his agent and manager, Brooke Sims, at 866.328.3762 or