At the University of Nebraska at Kearney

Kenya S. TaylorKenya S. Taylor, Ed. D.
Dean of Graduate Studies and Research

At the University of Nebraska at Kearney, we have long viewed our mission as a commitment to be one of the nation’s premier undergraduate institutions with excellent graduate education, scholarship, and public service.

A “student-centered” attitude remains at the heart of our campus culture. Along with its legacy of strong teaching and service, UNK builds on and promotes a solid tradition of research. UNK’s strength lies in combining teaching and research into innovative academic experiences. Faculty at UNK are noted for their disciplinary expertise, scholarship, commitment to mentoring students and success in creating research opportunities for their students. When outstanding faculty and talented students are merged within dynamic programs, the result is a highly qualified teaching faculty who are involved in numerous research projects that lead to scholarly accomplishments for both faculty and students.

The teacher-scholars at the University of Nebraska at Kearney engage in research and creative activity to follow their own scholarly curiosity and affect change in their disciplines. The articles featured in this issue of New Frontiers are just a few of the many research and creative activities that are being conducted at UNK. Much of the research featured here has been published in leading journals, presented at national and international conferences, and has attracted funding from various sources. This recognition speaks to the credibility of our faculty, and their scholarly and creative work.

We are dedicated to supporting our faculty so that they can continue the tradition of scholarship and creative activity. Our faculty’s commitment to cultivate teaching and research programs that educate future leaders affords many with the knowledge and skills to improve the world in which we live.

There is much to be proud of, and there is much to celebrate, at UNK. I hope you enjoy this issue of New Frontiers.