‘Predicting the Future: Are Scientists Any Better Than Psychics?’ topic of Centennial Lecture Series brown bag presentation Thursday

Glennis Nagel
Director, Media Communications, 308.865.8454

Centennial Lecture Series
sponsored by  
The College of Natural & Social Sciences
The College of Fine Arts & Humanities
Sigma Xi: The Scientific Research Society
Phi Kappa Phi

Thursday, November 17, 2005
12:30-1:45 p.m.
Room 310 Nebraskan Student Union  
hosted by

Phi Kappa Phi 

Rick Miller
Professor of Psychology

Predicting the Future: Are Scientists Any Better Than Psychics

Scientific futurism is not that different from psychic futurism or from futuristic fiction.  It serves many of the same purposes and is subject to many of the same cognitive biases including belief perseverance, the confirmation bias, and the assimilation bias.  Protecting ourselves from both involves similar skills and techniques.

This is a brown-bag luncheon lecture series that will be presented monthly.  Cookies/brownies and beverage will be provided and the lecture series is open to the entire campus community and the general public.