Is Paris burning? Film explores underlying issues. 4 p.m. Wednesday

Dr. Sonya Kropp
associate professor and chair, Department of Modern Languages, 308.865.8439

The recent riots in France emphasize the despair of a marginalized French social underclass, consisting of diverse ethnic groups.
A decade ago, Matthieu Kassoviz, a 28-year old director, made a stunning film about the youth culture in the Parisian housing estates of the banlieue , the dumping grounds for these unemployed whites, blacks and French children of North-African descent.
Spectators are jolted in an intense plot, covering a 24-hour period in the lives of a blanc  – black –beur   trio: the Jewish Vinz, the black boxer Hub and the Arab-French Saïd.

The students of French are inviting the campus community to a special screening of


Dir. Matthieu Kassovitz, 1995
Winner, Best Director, Cannes 1995

Wednesday, November 16
Copeland 142: 4:00 p.m.
(French with English subtitles; 95 min.)