‘The Ever Changing, Never Changing World of Advertising’ Focus of Presentation Thursday

Dr. Ruth Brown
associate professor, Department of Communication, 308-325-1111 or brownr@unk.edu

An award-winning advertising creative director and a top marketer, both from Chicago, will discuss “The Ever Changing, Never Changing World of Advertising” at an all-university presentation Thursday, Dec. 1, at the University of Nebraska at Kearney.

The UNK Advertising and Public Relations (Ad/PR) Club will bring to campus Gene Mandarino and Kris Malkoski, who will talk to various communication classes throughout the day. From 3:30 – 5 p.m., the two will give their presentation in Copeland Hall Room 142. The presentation is free and open to the public.

Mandarino, creative director at Leo Burnett advertising agency for many years, has won awards at major competitions including the Clio’s and the Cannes Film Festival. He has created ads for clients including McDonalds, Hallmark, United and Kellogg’s.

Malkoski worked for many years at Proctor & Gamble where she oversaw the national launches of Aleve pain reliever and Pert Plus shampoo and conditioner. She provides strategic business planning and marketing consultation for a variety of clients including Pfizer and Bayer.

Funding for the speakers is provided by UPFF.