Student Government to Host Leadership Event Thursday

Tim Danube
associate director of the Nebraskan Student Union, 308.865.8523

The University of Nebraska at Kearney, Leadership UNK and Student Government are cosponsoring Leadership in Government on Thursday, Oct. 13, at 7 p.m. at the Miriam Drake Theatre in the UNK Fine Arts Recital Hall.

The Leadership in Government  event will feature governmental representatives including: UNK Student Body President Brad Bohn of Gibbon, Kearney Mayor Galen Hadley, State Sen. Philip Erdman of Bayard, and Dorothy Anderson of Lincoln, director of Constituent Services for U.S. Sen. Chuck Hagel.

According to Tim Danube, associate director of the Nebraskan Student Union, the event will feature a panel discussion in which the guest speakers will have five to 10 minutes to introduce themselves and tell about their singular role in government.

“A few things that we asked them to cover in their introductory remarks include their responsibilities, what they feel they gain personally from their service, how they involve others in their activities, and how they benefit their constituents by their service,” Danube said.

“Of course, they can branch out on any area of discussion that they feel is more interesting for the night, but we would like to have some basic information first,” he added.

After the speakers’ introductions, there will be a question and answer session in which audience members can ask questions on any topic relating to the guests’ positions in government. Refreshments and an open reception will follow.

“The event is open to the public,” Danube said. There is no admission charge.