Interfraternity Council Looking to Improve UNK Campus and Greek System

Christopher Silva
Office of Residential and Greek Life assistant, 308.865.8156

Governing over seven large fraternities can be a big responsibility, but at the University of Nebraska at Kearney, the Interfraternity Council (IFC) is looking for more ways to assist the Greek system and the university as a whole.

Assisting, developing and holding strong lines of communication are all goals set forth by members of the IFC, said Chris Silva, UNK Greek Life graduate assistant.

According to Silva, members of the council are selected by a slate process, where IFC delegates from each fraternity on campus openly discuss what each candidate has to offer.

“We do it this way, so our elections aren’t a popularity contest,” Silva said, adding that IFC acts as an adviser to the UNK fraternities and works to educate the groups so all chapters comply with university rules and regulations.

“We might discuss how social functions operate, or confer about ways to improve the residence halls where many Greeks live,” Silva said.

IFC sometimes sponsors events on campus as well. This year, students at UNK, both Greek and non-Greek, will have the opportunity to take part in a “Block Party BBQ” set for the evening of Aug. 21, the first day of the fall semester.

Silva said that IFC, operated by the 10 elected members, has lots of plans for educational and service activities scheduled throughout the year.   The IFC officers, elected last December, will continue to preside over the organization until new elections take place in November.

IFC officers for the fall semester are listed alphabetically by hometown:

 – Matt Rauert, recruitment, Delta Tau Delta 
 – Mike Wilken, president, Sigma Tau Gamma 
 – Greg Smith, secretary, Sigma Phi Epsilon
Grand Island – Sam Kusek, new member education, Delta Tau Delta  
 – Blake Sheldon, philanthropy, Sigma Phi Epsilon 
 – Rocky Esteraich, vice president, Pi Kappa Alpha 
 – Kevin Wait, treasurer, Pi Kappa Alpha 
 – Jacob Barth, public relations, Delta Tau Delta 
 – Matt Stern, scholarship, Sigma Phi Epsilon
York – Scott Vincent, social, Sigma Phi Epsilon