Communication Students, The Antelope Staff Earn Top State Awards

Dr. Beverly Merrick
assistant professor of communication, 308.865.8734

University of Nebraska at Kearney communication students and members of the student newspaper, The Antelope,  staff earn top state awards, according to Dr. Beverly Merrick, The Antelope  adviser.

Students and their awards are listed below:

Tom Howard/John H. Reid Short Story Contest –
 Congratulations also to Katrina B. Campuzano of Kearney   for “Third Time’s the Charm,” in the Tom Howard/John H. Reid Short Story Contest; one of the finalists out of 1,200 entries; adviser Laura Sherwood of Kearney.

Nebraska Press Association Award –
 UNK Antelope Staff, THIRD PLACE, Collegiate Staff General Excellence Awards,  including Web design adviser Dr. Nanette Hogg of Kearney; video adviser Dr. Keith Terry of Kearney; radio adviser Laura Sherwood of KLPR of Kearney; and Dr. Beverly Merrick of Miller, The Antelope   adviser; Antelope Online Web designer   Janae Ekstein ofDwight  ; and Antelope staffers Francisco Gomes Filho of Teresina, Brazil;   Amanda Muller of Miller; Kent Lutt of Columbus; Blake Mullanix of Bekelman; Stephanie Queen of  Omaha;   Lesley Crutcher of Omaha; Scott Barry of Kearney; Zachary Houdek of Lincoln;  Jamie Knuth ofAlma; Mike Adelman of ColumbusThe Antelope   coverage can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Dr. Merrick said, “As a leader, Amanda Muller sets a most extraordinary tone for camaraderie in the newsroom, which made it possible for the staff to produce a sterling newspaper product.”

Nebraska Press Women Awards –

UNK Antelope Staff,  SECOND PLACE, Collegiate Photography, adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick, by student staff and adviser; “Blue & Gold Week’s Picnic,” published on Aug. 26, 2004, in  The Antelope  . The photo story can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Dr. Merrick’s hometown is Miller. (Please see NPA award above for full listing of student staff members.)

ALMA   – Jamie Knuth, FIRST PLACE, Collegiate Feature Writing, for feature story titled “Lisi and Crew Play the Blues,”  which was published Sept. 16, 2004, in The Antelope.   The judge liked Knuth’s attention to detail and comfortable writing style. Knuth reportedly won in “a tough category with stiff competition,” according to the judge’s comments. The feature story can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick. Dr. Merrick said, “We have need in the newspaper profession for those independent writers and thinkers, who add an unusual twist to every bit of writing they create. Jamie Knuth is one of them.”

– Jamie Knuth, THIRD PLACE, Collegiate Photography,   for front-page photo showing the lead singer of “Naked Beggars” getting a kiss from an admiring fan — as he shows off his “Nipple Ring.” This was published Nov. 18, 2004, in The Antelope. The photograph can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick. Jamie said this was “a photo op that evolved in a split second.”

– Jamie Knuth, HONORABLE MENTION, Collegiate Editorial Writing, for an editorial about Samantha Spady, the Nebraskan who died in a Colorado college tragedy, titled “Drinking Can Lead to Death,” published  Sept. 30, 2004, in The Antelope. The editorial can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick. Dr. Merrick said, “I pushed him to write this difficult editorial, and I knew it would be a winner!”

   Blake Mullanix, SECOND PLACE, Collegiate Feature Writing, for entertainment feature article titled “The Blues” Comes to Coopfest 2004,” featuring Blues Traveler at the Buffalo County Expo Center, published Sept. 2, 2004, in The Antelope. The judge said of Mullanix’s writing, “You captured the spirit of the event. That, coupled with obvious knowledge of the subject, made this a good read.” The feature story can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Beverly G. Merrick. Dr. Merrick said, “Blake Mullanix is someone who comes through for the news staff, no matter which adversity is placed in his way. He is invariably cheerful, as well as talented.”

COLUMBUS –   Mike Adelman,  FIRST PLACE, Editorial Cartooning, Colleg iate Graphics, for Editorial Cartoon titled “Dorm Room Safety,” which was published on Sept. 28, 2004, in The Antelope  . The cartoon can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick. Dr. Merrick said, “Mike Adelman, with his editorial cartoons, presents the frustrations of the typical college student in a most humorous and provocative way.”

COLUMBUS –Kent Lutt, FIRST PLACE, Collegiate, for First Amendment Public Service Announcement, KLPR, for a 30-second, nonprofit public service announcement created by Kent Lutt about “The Importance of Freedom of Speech,” with taping of affirmation of The Antelope   fulfilling the Democratic function of the press, with words of Antelope adviser Beverly G. Merrick affirming this and through collaboration with UNK campus radio KLPR: Lutt’s newspaper adviser is Professor Merrick and his radio adviser is Laura Sherwood; this aired on KLPR campus radio throughout December 2004.The public service announcement can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Dr. Merrick said , “I can honestly say that Kent Lutt, that he is another newspaper’s newsperson in the best tradition of the profession. He is going to go far, and the mass media outlet he goes with shall benefit us all.”

HASTINGS –   The late Kenneth Gallagher, FIRST PLACE, Collegiate Column Writing, for column about the hardships faced by commuting, nontraditional students titled “The Unacknowledged Minority”; published Sept. 30, 2004, The column can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick. His adviser said, “Mr. Gallagher was one of the most talented college writers with whom I had the privilege to work. His breadth of knowledge and depth of human understanding was appreciated by his college peers. I had him as well for newspaper management class, where he called upon this peers to look at the deeper meanings in the news media. His questions caused us to look at the roads-less-traveled.”

KEARNEY –   Scott Barry, 9-11 Collegiate Graphics: graphic montage titled “In Remembrance — 9-11,” which featured front-page coverage of the breaking news of the tragedy, selected from newspapers across the nation; published Sept. 16, 2004, in The Antelope. The graphic display can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Beverly G. Merrick. “Scott Barry sees the empathetic side of the people he covers as a journalist; this is what made him a good staff photographer for The Antelope.”

 Antelope adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick won FIRST PLACE for faculty adviser of college publications;
and firsts for mass media research, feature Web writing, individual achievement in the mass media and a poetry book of creative verse; second place for original graphics and honorable mention for a feature story. Dr. Merrick said, “If we want young journalists to understand their critical mission and responsibility to serve, we, as college advisers, must set an example by serving actively as citizens and role models ourselves.” As a Freedom Forum Ethics Fellow, Dr. Merrick advocates the democratic obligation of the press to serve as the Fourth Branch of government on behalf of the people.

MITCHELL – Ryan Schmidt,   SECOND PLACE, Collegiate Sports Writing, for sports feature titled “UNK Produces Another ‘Knockout’ Student”; published Sept. 16, 2004, in The Antelope. The sports feature can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick. Dr. Merrick, “I appreciate competence wherever I find it; and as a writer, Ryan Schmidt is competent.”

– Ryan Schmidt,   two newspaper awards for same article — SECOND PLACE, Collegiate Feature Writing, and THIRD PLACE, Collegiate Newswriting, from NPA:   for front-page newspaper feature titled “UNK Graduate Seeks Success With CBS”; published Sept. 30 2004, in The Antelope.The feature story can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick.

NORFOLK – Brandon Carlson  , FIRST PLACE, Collegiate Sports Writing,   for sports story titled “Weight Room Ventilation Complete; Ends Student Venting”; published Oct. 14, 2004, in The Antelope.   The sports story can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick. The judge said of the sports story, “Good use of quotes from subjects; nice style.” Dr. Merrick said, “Brandon Carlson’s talent is akin to the fabled poet-sportswriter Grantland Rice of The New York Herald-Tribune,   who wrote through poetry about ‘Casey at the Bat,’ who struck out in Mudville.”

OMAHA– Stephanie Queen,  FIRST PLACE, Collegiate Photography, for feature photo titled “Checkmate: Strategy, Careful Thoughts . . . .”; about UNK Chess Club; published Sept. 2, 2004, in The Antelope. The feature phot op can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick. The judge said, “The best photo is obviously not staged, captures the moment and tells the story without words. Wow! You’re hired!” Dr. Merrick said, “Stephanie Queen was the best all-around newspaper editor and writer on The Antelope   staff. Her photography also reflects her talent in journalism.”

  – Stephanie Queen, FIRST PLACE, Collegiate Newswriting, for front-page news story on Nebraska Gov. Johanns, titled “Appointment Creates Shifting Landscape”; published Dec. 9, 2004, in The Antelope.   The news story can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick. The judge said, “Great lead, and the ability to offer the reader information in a friendly, palatable manner. Keep it up!”

   – Stephanie Queen, THIRD PLACE, Collegiate Feature Writing, for feature story titled “Classes heat Up for Glass-Blowing Students”; published Dec. 2, 2004, in The Antelope.   The feature story can be found on the UNK Antelope Online. Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick. The judge said of the feature story, “Captivating subject; well-crafted.”

STRATTON – Ryan Downing, SECOND PLACE, Collegiate Newswriting, for news story titled “Pulitzer Prize Winner Visits the Lied”; published Sept. 16, 2004, in The Antelope.   The news story can be found on the UNK Antelope Online.  Adviser Dr. Beverly G. Merrick. The judge said of the news story, “Well-constructed, very straight-forward writing style.” Dr. Merrick said, “Ryan is a careful interviewer. This is what I appreciate about him.”