Tim Danube
associate director of the Nebraskan Student Union, 308.865.8523

Entertainer and master hypnotist Dr. Jim Wand will return to the University of Nebraska at Kearney to entertain the campus crowd with two performances Thursday, Nov. 11, at 7 and 8:45 p.m. in the Nebraskan Student Union Great Room.

“This is one event we bring back year after year, because the response from the students and community is so favorable,” said Tim Danube, associate director of the UNK Nebraskan Student Union.

Dr. Wand’s specialty is his ability to convince audience members, through hypnosis, to put aside their inhibitions and act in ways they normally wouldn’t in front of an audience. He blends motivational messages and entertainment to make each event both informative and entertaining.

Dr. Wand has worked with such personalities as Jay Leno of the Tonight Show, Chris Rock and Carrot Top, along with football players from eight different NFL teams including the Seattle Seahawks, Denver Broncos and San Francisco 49ers.

Dr. Wand, who has performed at UNK many times, has been involved in the field of hypnosis for more than 20 years and has more than 5,000 performances to his credit.