Dr. Ken Nikels
Soon, blue and gold banners celebrating the centennial anniversary of the University of Nebraska at Kearney will be displayed along 2nd Avenue to Highway 30 and then west on 25th Street, encircling the UNK campus. Installed prior to UNK’s Blue Gold Day on August 22th, the banners will be a colorful reference to the strong historical bond between the campus and community.
Two separate banners with a specially designed centennial logo, one 30” x 60” with business acknowledgement, and one 16” x 45”, will make up a set. The larger banners with business acknowledgement will be placed along 2nd Avenue and 25th Street while the smaller banners will be placed throughout the UNK campus.
Businesses may elect to keep the 30″ x 60″ banners at the end of the two-year display period as an historic memento of UNK’s first 100 years. Banner packages are $350 for a set (one large with business name and one small for display on campus) or $150 for a single small banner with no business name for display on campus.
Other upcoming activities for the UNK Centennial Celebration include an ice cream social on the UNK campus Monday, Sept. 1, and a Centennial Classic Golf Tournament at Meadowlark Hills Golf Course on Friday, Sept. 19th.
For more information on the Centennial banners or upcoming events contact Cindi Richter at the Kearney Area Chamber of Commerce at (308) 237-3101 or Linda Schroeder at the UNK Office of Communications at (308) 865-8130.
UNK’s Centennial celebration kicked off March 26th marking 100 years since the House Roll No. 1 of the State Legislature appropriated funds for a State Normal School. On Sept. 1, 1903, after 111 ballots, the State Board of Education selected Kearney to be the site of the Nebraska State Normal School. The first classes were held on June 19, 1905 in Kearney public school facilities and the campus opened to classes on Sept. 25, 1905.