UNK Students Attend Orgranizational Communications Conference

Nick Trede
(308) 440-7412

Six students from the University of Nebraska at Kearney participated in the National Communication Association (NCA) Convention November 21-24 in New Orleans. The convention featured the research of over 4,000 communication scholars and professors from across the country. UNK was represented with three student entries in this year’s program.

Senior Nick Trede of Greeley presented a program entitled, “Have You Ever Tried Pinning JELLO on the Wall? Activities for Training in Organizational Ethics.”

Seniors Katie Geilenkirchen of Columbus, Cheryl Kyser of Oshkosh, Michelle Rongisch of Columbus, and Kelli Simmons of Sumner, hosted a forum entitled, “Making Connections: Training Service Personnel in Higher Education.”

Senior Amanda Husmann of Osceola, submitted a paper entitled, “Looking Through Our Window: The Value of Indian Culture” that was accepted as part of the convention.

These students are all majoring in Organizational Communication and are members of Lambda Pi Eta, the national communication honor society. Dr. Maurine Eckloff and Dr. Akbar Javidi, professors in the Department of Communications, served as advisors to the group.