University of Nebraska at Kearney Chancellor Gladys Styles Johnston is an invited lecturer at the prestigious Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management 2001 Leadership and Management Conference. The conference is being held November 12-13 in Beverly Hills, California.

Dr. Johnston said, “I am very excited and honored to be invited to speak at this conference. This is one of the capstone events of my career. It recognizes and validates my leadership abilities as a professor, researcher, and administrator. Peter Drucker, one of the most important and influential people in the field of management, does me great honor in selecting me to participate in his symposium.”

Dr. Johnston’s lecture, “Contradictions in Academic Leadership,” focuses on shared governance and decision-making by consensus. Dr. Johnston will share the podium with Peter Drucker; Rosabeth Moss Kanter, professor of business administration, Harvard Business School and author; and Frances Hesselbein, chairman, Drucker Foundation.

The Peter F. Drucker Foundation for Nonprofit Management is named for and inspired by the acknowledged father of modern management. Since its founding in 1990, the Drucker Foundation’s special expertise and role have been to serve as a broker of intellectual capital, bringing together the finest thought leaders, consultants, authors, and social philosophers in the world with the leaders of social sector voluntary organizations. By providing intellectual resources to leaders in the business, government, and social sectors, and by fostering partnerships across these sectors, the Drucker Foundation works to strengthen the social sectors of America and of nations around the globe.