The University of Nebraska at Kearney Xi Phi Chapter of Mortar Board has selected Dr. Peter Longo, director of the Honors Program, to give the fall lecture of the “Last Lecture Series.” Dr. Longo will give his lecture, “In Search of Community,” on Wednesday, November 14 at 7:30 p.m. in Copeland Hall Room 142.

The last lecture series is an ongoing series coordinated by Mortar Board. The members of the group select one professor a semester to present those things he or she would say if they were presenting their last lecture.

“Being selected to give a last lecture is an honor to the professor in the sense that a group of seniors from a variety of backgrounds on campus, involved in a multitude of activities and leading the campus in many different ways have agreed that a particular professor possesses those qualities Mortar Board values: scholarship, leadership, and service,” said senior Heidi Lammers of Paxton.