Prairie Mosaic Recognized in Library Journal

Prairie Mosaic an atlas of Central Nebraska’s land, culture and nature, by UNK professors Steven J. Rothenberger and Susanne George-Bloomfield, was recently selected for the 2000 Notable Documents List published in the May 15, 2000 issue of the Library Journal. Library Journal is a standard journal in the field of librarianship and almost all public and academic libraries subscribe to it.

Included on this year’s list were ten federal documents, fifteen state documents representing materials from nine states and eleven international documents. Prairie Mosaic was the only title selected from Nebraska.

The Library Journal describes the Prairie Mosaic as, “A multidisciplinary approach creating a majestic overview of the geology, climate, biology, history, politics, art and economics of the region. The heart of the prairie and its inhabitants is revealed in 30 articles, 29 poems and numerous illustrations. Your perception of Nebraska’s prairies will never be the same after experiencing the lives of the pioneers who settled what was once deemed “the Great American Desert” by Major Stephen Long.”

The Prairie Mosaic is available to purchase by contacting the UNK Office of Graduate Studies, (308) 865-8500 or order on-line at