UNK-The University of Nebraska at Kearney Wind Ensemble under Dr. Gary Davis, Director of Bands, will present a special concert March 8 at 8 p.m. in the Fine Arts Recital Hall.

The program will feature Dr. James Cook in a performance of the most celebrated piano concerts of the twentieth century, the Second Piano Concerto by Sergei Rachmaninoff. Dr. Cook is a professor of music at UNK and teaches piano students at all levels. He is the recipient of the 1997 Outstanding Research and Creativity Award, the highest honor the University of Nebraska system grants to faculty whose achievements merit national and international recognition.

Also featured in the program is work composed by Dr. Darlene Mitchell. Dr. Mitchell is a newly appointed professor of music theory and composition at UNK. She has written over one hundred compositions for various instrumental and vocal combinations from solo flute to full orchestra and chorus. Many of her works have been performed throughout the United States and in Europe and are published by American Composers Editions in New York.

The Wind Ensemble Concert is open to the public, free of charge.