UNK-University of Nebraska at Kearney faculty and staff are hitting the highways to promote UNK in various Nebraska cities throughout February and this week they will make a stop in Columbus. Prospective students, parents and the general public are invited to attend UNK’s “Go for the Gold” reception at Dusters on Wednesday, Feb. 14 at 6:30 p.m.

UNK Education Professor Dennis Potthoff commented, “We are really pleased to have the opportunity to visit with prospective students from the Columbus area about our many excellent programs, including the teacher education program. This is a very exciting time at UNK for the College of Education with the new education building under construction. UNK has a strong tradition of excellence in teacher preparation and also a long history of educating students from the Columbus area.” On hand Tuesday evening will be UNK faculty and staff representing Financial Aid, Natural and Social Sciences, Education, Business and Technology, Fine Arts and Humanities, and Admissions to increase awareness of the UNK experience. If you are interested in attending the UNK reception, call UNK Admissions at 1-800-KEARNEY.